Summer is finally here! Unfortunately, I threw in my old beach towel when I should have been getting my body ready for shorts and sun. It's not like I miss six-pack abs. I've never had a six-pack, but I do miss those two vertical lines that run the length of my abs (do they have a cool nickname?) and my jeans are a little too tight. Alas, it's time to shape up before I ship out. I am not one to be dishing out diet advice right now, but here are my own personal reminders. For better or for worse, they work for me.
Revisit Jackie Warner - no sugar, no salt, no junk food and no wine! Did I say no wine? I meant no wine 5 nights out of 7.
Everyday is not a vacation (sad consequence: now I have to eat salads on vacation). Yes, really (the sun just came out and instantly I wondered if I had champagne chilling)!
You can never exercise away (or work off) a diet of sugar and junk. Food is the number one component of a healthy mind and body. Exercise is second.
People who drink like fish will eventually start to look like whales! F*#@!
What most people spend 60 minutes working out, you can accomplish in 20 with focus and intensity.
Heavy weights with 6-8 reps are more efficient than 50 reps without weights.
All those magazine workouts you cut out for new ideas, make them into bookmarks. You'll always have ideas handy when on vacation or just at the park.
A pitiful, short workout is always better than no workout because it keeps you mentally in the workout game and on schedule.
Cardio is a waste of time without intense intervals.
Cheat meals must be earned.
Yoga is not a waste of time. It is necessary for a calm and focused mind which help you make better decisions in regards to food, exercise, parenting, and life.
The scale is less important than what you look like naked and if your clothes fit well.
Discipline is mental. Your body is capable of whatever you tell it to accomplish.
Finally, don't tell people you are dieting...just don't.
Yes diet is a 4-letter word. Choose today for tomorrow's outcome. Only way to be ahead of the curve.