Friday, April 12, 2013

40 short years of an Education

Your genes are not an excuse for anything.

What other people do is none of your business.

You are as old as your mind tells you.

Your body seldom agrees with your mind.

Heaven is what people tell themselves to feel better about death.

I do not believe in god, but it doesn't bother me if you do.

I do believe in Satan. He is typically referred to as CREDIT.

Saving is much more important that spending.

Life is much easier not having to worry about money.

The way to stop worrying about it is to spend 80 % of what you earn, not 110% (Thank you, Charles MacInerney).

When you think anything is impossible, you are lying to yourself.

Fear paralyzes you.

People regret things they do not do.

Welcome change.

In every unpleasant, unexpected thing is a fabulous story.

Cell phones are NOT an inalienable right, neither is cable.  They are luxuries that most of the world lives without.

Keep things in perspective because most people in the world do not have indoor toilets and clean water.

If you are fat, you are NOT poor.

Feed hungry people.

Most people do not think for themselves.  They repeat shit that they hear stupid people say.

The best things in life require an incredible amount of work and often feel overrated.  Have patience, they will bring you the most joy.

People who like to discuss religion and politics (even when they are passionate about their subject) really just like to argue.

Politics bores me.

Prayer works because we emit energy when we think,feel, and put it out in the universe.

Hope is an important word.

People project.

Own the decisions you make and accept the consequences.

People who complain, moan, and whine have no place in my life. I will inadvertently find myself complaining (just like they do) and ditch them. Without guilt because life is too precious. 

Guilt brings you down.

Trust people more and less all at the same time.

Expectations disappoint.

If you live in a shoe box, you have no room for your shoes!

Not everything needs explaining.

Most people talk way too much and don't bother listening (especially me).

Places and people are rarely what you expect.  It takes a great deal of quiet to find out who they really are.

Suffering is in your mind.

Don't take relationship advice from someone who has been married three times. :)

Most of the happiest memories do not involve money.

Reusing is better than recycling. 'I never should have wasted my money on that crap in the first place' is even better than reusing. :)

It is so much easier to watch what you eat, than spending hours in a gym hopelessly trying to burn it off.

Hate destroys.

Run from complicated.

Without your health, life isn't worth living.

Over thinking life is exhausting.

People spend a lot of time and energy trying to make life complicated when it really isn't.

Life is simple. Live it.

Oh, and one more....

You can't teach your children to surf if you don't know how to surf.

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