Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Now who's laughing?

There are so many things we laughed at, questioned, or just thought bizarre when we arrived in Germany.

These are things we now do regularly, lol. I plan on adding to this list weekly.

Roll our pants up.

Get on the tram for one stop (if it's pouring....or if I am carrying bottles of wine uphill!).

Wear ugly shoes just because they are comfortable.

Wear colored, skinny jeans with those ugly shoes.

Wear puffy down coats with skinny jeans and ugly f'n shoes. HA

Stare at people who speak English on the tram. 

Hang all of our clothes to dry, even though we bought a dryer.

Hoard. Serious hoarding!  I bought 13 bags of chocolate chips for baking.

Carry toilet paper by its carry handle down the street without a shopping bag.

Carry loads of things down the street because we only want to make one trip. We are like human pack mules.

Use a knife and fork to eat pizza, hamburgers and french fries. I resisted this at first, but the peer pressure from my hubby is heavy!

Suddenly, we can't remember the exact word in English.

Last (but by far not the least)  I thought harem pants were the most ridiculous piece of apparel and only belonged on clowns.  Yesterday, I caught myself browsing through them and today I want to go back for them.  If I cave and buy a pair, I promise to post a pic.


  1. Well, its gives us very different experience by doing the things that catches the eyes of every one to us. Many times we laugh on the people who have an very strange get up.Its good that you have done the thing which people do not like to do. It was an really an dare one.

    --Fabrizio Neves
