Wednesday, March 13, 2013

I want to Hug you and Love you in Kassel, Germany!

My son is now 2 years and 10 months.

These are his stories (theme to Law and Order)

This morning....
Colt: I want to hug you and love you in Kassel, Germany!
Me: Ohhhhh, come here sweet boy.
Colt as he crawls into my lap and bats his mile-long eyelashes: Could you please move the couch so I can race cars?
Me: Is that why you want to hug and love me?
Colt: giggle, eyelash bat

Last night with dad 5 minutes to bath time....
Colt: I have an idea.
J: Really, what?
C: I can be the Papa and you can be the baby.
J: Ok.
C: Now, you clean up all the toys and I will just sit here and watch.
J: speechless, then laughing

Last week, at Bebel Platz tram stop....
N: Colt, do you know where you are?
C: Kassel, I'm in Kassel.
N: What is Kassel?
C: a city
N: What country are you in?
C: Germany
Wonderment and shock from a woman standing beside us who evidently understood English.  I was equally in shock. He usually gives the answer North Ammmmerica because he likes to say it. :)

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