Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Living Next Door to Hemingway

Moving is a difficult transition.  The further away from home you travel the difficulty exponentially increases. Traveling across several time zones was the easy part.  The train station in Frankfurt is attached to the airport. Simple, right?  Our flight miraculously arrived on time and so did our all of our luggage. Cake. After a long sigh of relief, we loaded up our mountain of suitcases on a cart to make our direct train in an hour.  All we had to do was transport six 50 pound suitcases, one stroller and a two year old who hadn't eaten breakfast to platform 8 for the long distance trains. With a total of 8 wheels and 4 hands, off we roll confidently.

 Long story, short: functional elevators are few and far between.  We did finally find one, but it was so far away we lost track of where we were, only to find we needed to go up a flight of steps right back from whence we came. We illegally tried to use the escalators only to be scolded by airport security because of the baby. in the stroller. staring back at me as the front end goes upward. hearing I'm scared. I'm scared. After finally finding the long distance trains, there is no platform 8 because surprise! Our tickets which we so intelligently printed in the US are from a different train station and the direct train has already left. With the kindness of a stranger, we load all of our luggage onto the a train and only have to make one connection at the main station.  We arrive at Frankfurt Main in 10 minutes and she helps us unload. Brilliant.  11 whole minutes to the platform beside us, cool.  Except, it is down a flight of stairs and up flight another stairs with 6 suitcases, a stroller, and one angry, hangry baby. lol.  I was too tired to cry, honestly!  We manage to arrive in Kassel find Hemingway not in his office or anywhere near his phone.  Sunday! Oh mein gott!

After a night of intermittent sleep, we walk across the street and meet our delightful new neighbor.  A hemingway type who I can't wait to tell you all about tomorrow!  Figuratively speaking, of course.


  1. This.Is.FANTASTIC! I can't wait to followyou on this journey.

  2. Thanks for sharing your travel tales. Thus is going to be fun;)...xs

  3. It is going to be fun! Justin begins work next week, so I will have plenty of time to write when Colt sleeps. My neighbor is SO entertaining!

  4. I am so glad that you have started this blog. I can not wait to hear about all of your adventures!
