Has our need for ownership and defining ourselves isolated us?
Is it because we have few conversations face-to-face?
Or do we play it safe? Do we allow society to dictate our conversations and actions so much that we rarely communicate what we truly need to talk about with our friends and families?
How's the weather? What did you do last week? When did you potty train? What book did you last read? How was your blind date? These are the questions we safely ask. We stick to the easy topics, light-hearted conversations, or simply shallow ones. Sometimes, we need to get down to the nitty gritty. Take a dive into the deep end. We need to feel more alive and to re-establish our connection with humanity.
It's time to get personal.
So in case you are feeling like you are the only one:
The last time I got in a screaming fight with my husband was in the middle of our back yard. Yes, I was the only one screaming. It was embarrassingly in front of one of his life-long friends (sorry, Will!) and it was about Justin not doing enough around the house.
I have to apologize just about everyday to my son for losing my temper with him. Yes, it's only for a minute or two at a time, but I do yell. I yell knowing that toddlers are impulsive. Knowing their brains are not finished developing. Knowing that everything he does lacks maliciousness. I yell even more when I am tired.
I do sometimes eat the entire bag of chips (whew, now only 125 grams, lol).
As a stay at home mom, I feel like I get stuck with all the crappy chores.
Most days, I wish I had a job at least once during every day.
The last time I cried was while typing this because mothers, daughters, friends and people everywhere should never have to feel alone when there are loads of people out there feeling the exact same way.
That's probably more than enough.
All that said, I LOVE my life. I mean I truly, truly love the life I am living! Life is about the beautiful and the ugly. Life is not always "How's the weather?"
Here are my snowy pictures from Frankfurt because I'm in a "stuck in the house, snowy kind of mood." It's 1 degree C outside.
The grainy texture are 1 inch snowflakes!
My sweet husband who I am sorry I yelled at in the back yard!
And in case you needed a happy ending, here is my next candidate for the show "What Not to Wear!" Those are woolly socks and Birkenstocks!
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