This is my first time to be an immigrant. I know I speak a different language, even when I am trying to sound German. My accent is different. My tones, inflections, and vowel pronunciations are all different. However, I don't understand how Germans know I'm from somewhere else when I have yet to speak, but they do. They know. I actually had a man stop of the street today and stare at me. Are you kidding? It's a good thing I'm not shy or self-conscience. Instead I gave him a look that said wtf are you looking at...good sir :)! lol People have blue eyes, dark hair and high cheek bones here. My best guess is my nose which is quite different, but I'm truly clueless.
Alas, despite looks and language, there are things within my ability to blend. For example, I picked up a fashion magazine in German the other day. I could have just as easily been flipping through Vogue. Seriously, I could read it. I have no idea how...."price available upon request" must be a "truth universally acknowledged!"
Here's another brilliant example. I was in a wine shop. A man comes over and offers his help. Nein Danke, I reply. He continues beyond my capability and I have to just stop him and own up to the fact that I don't speak German. "Ah English," he says (knowing the whole time I'm not freaking German. Who knows how?), "hold on." He goes and gets a young girl form the seafood department who speaks Eng, "May I help you?"
It goes down like this:
Me: Of course, thank you. Do you have any cab francs?
She looks to him.
He responds all in German: No, if you want cab franc you must choose a Cabernet Sav. or Bordeaux.
Me: I'm over Cabernet.
Him in German: Then you will have to have Bordeaux. They all include a different blend some 10% cab franc some 15%
Me: But no true cab francs?
Him in German: No, but Bordeaux is better, no?
Me: Ja, LOL
The girl stands between us with her jaw completely dropped and brings her hands up what did you need me for???
Me: oh, sorry. I speak wine.
Him: Ja, Ja laughing. I speak vine.
The man and I are standing there laughing as if we just shared the best joke ever. Girl, still not amused, stands there shaking her head like we are both from Mars.
Germany is so much fun, even if they do stop and stare at me on the streets.
BTW, I asked a German friend what about my appearance gives away the fact that I'm not German. She said what she instantly noticed was my jewelry, specifically my diamond earrings. No one here wheres diamonds, not even in rings. Diamonds are outrageously expensive. Ahh. Makes sense because I thought he was looking at my nose. Interesting.